Repetti, Carol A. » Extended Learning Time (ELT) - Adaptive Scheduler

Extended Learning Time (ELT) - Adaptive Scheduler


What is Extended Learning Time (ELT)? 


Extended Learning Time is the last class of the school day. 

Students are offered academic support through workshops/tutorials with their teachers or

students may choose an enrichment activity that is offered.


Reminder:  if your student is absent or going to be absent for illness or appointments during ELT,

please Report Absence Here!



Students - Please remember to pick your ELT for each day.


It is the student's responsibility to choose an ELT session everyday.   Students should be choosing a tutorial with their scheduled teacher (or same subject teacher) or an enrichment.  Students should not be choosing an ELT workshop or with a teacher they are not scheduled with.


Students who do not choose their ELT will be sent an email, along with their parents, reminding them to choose. Students who are found to chronically not choose ELT will now be scheduled with Mrs. Repetti for a discussion on ELT.  Subsequent non-selections will result in a meeting with the administration and detention.


The Student Portal of Adaptive Scheduler (ELT) will be open after the beginning of the first pack time/lunch period until the end of the last pack time/lunch period. 


If you do not see the select session button during this time, log out of PowerSchool and log back in first.  If that is not working, please try this troubleshooting steps below: 

  • Log out of PowerSchool.
  • Click on Settings, Privacy and security, Clear Browsing Data.
  • Select a time range (minimum of  last 24 hours).
  • Place a check in the Cookies and Cached items.  Clear data. Then try to go back and log in.
  • If this does not work, follow the above sets and select Clear browsing history for at least the last 24 hours, then try to go back in and log in. 
  • PowerSchool works best with Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge. If you are using a Mac, we know of issues that PowerSchool does not always view correctly. 
  • PowerSchool works best with an updated browser and system. If the above troubleshooting tips do not work, make sure your browser is up to date as well as your system.
  • Adaptive Scheduler is not available at this time on the PowerSchool App.  Please use the website to access Adaptive Scheduler (ELT).


  • Students having chromebook issues should reach out to Ms. Danielsen (for PowerSchool issues, reach out to Mrs. Repetti).  We are not responsible for issues with your personal devices.
  • Students must check daily to see if they are pulled for a Workshop or they must select a Tutorial or Enrichment .  Students should not choose Workshop unless they have an Incomplete or without the teacher's approval. 
  • Students are to pick their ELT by the end of the selection time (the beginning of the first pack time until the end of the last pack time).
  • Teachers have the discretion to remove students (students may be removed by a teacher if the student is not regularly scheduled with them or if the student chooses their ELT which is specific to a subject or club).


Students, if you are having issues selecting a session, and you have tried the troubleshooting steps above, please check with your Pack Time teacher or see or email Mrs. Hinkle [email protected]


Parents, please check your Parent Portal under Adaptive Scheduler for your student's ELT selections. Student notes will indicate if your student did not choose their ELT and were placed.