Mental Health

How to Practice Self-Care
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"Self-care is any activity that we deliberately do in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health."
Reduce and Manage Stress
Learn ways to reduce your academic stress and help manage your mental health symptoms by practicing time management skills, click here.

Goal Setting
Although none of us can predict or control the future, all of us benefit from thinking deliberately about what we want to do and where we want to be. Use these goal setting techniques to help reach and maintain daily goals and visualize yourself accomplishing them.
A healthy diet and good nutrition is an important part of self-care and practiced throughout life can promote good mental and physical health.

Exercise can reduce common symptoms of depression like poor mood and low energy. Read about the benefits of exercise and ways to and ways to fit it into your daily life.

Find information on the importance of sleep, facts about sleep, questions and concerns, and tips for a good night’s sleep.



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(Reference: American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry;