Community Resources
answers to questions about suicide
what to do if someone shows signs of suicide
health, mental wellness, children's services
all about depression
children's mental health services
support and education programs
Help Your Teen Find Healthy Ways to Deal with Anxiety
learning and attention issues
California's mental health movement
CDC websites for kids and teens
suicide prevention to LGBTQ
linking families to services they need
recognize bullying behavior and how to respond
1-866-3-hungry (486479)
transition home for former foster girls 18+
coalition of homeless housing and shelter providers
1-833-3PLACER (833-375-2237)
for grieving children, teens, and families
mentoring programs for girls 6 through adulthood
safety and planning
What happens to your body when you smoke?
Rocklin Academy Family of Schools is not responsible for the content posted on links outside of our website. The listed services are informational and not endorsed by Rocklin Academy Family of Schools.